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Workplace Giving is a simple way to donate to charities direct from your pay, and get your donations matched. Most companies match donations, so you could double your impact, giving your charity even more support!
* We are constantly adding new organisations to this list.
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Team One: Robo-Dough
We are Team Robo-Dough!
Meet the team:
Adam Setia
Denis Kolmerschlag
Imon Hoque
Jarrah Watkinson
Jonathan Pedreira
Amber Dench
If you would like to support our team's efforts, and the work that Charity Bounce does, please make a donation of whatever you can afford. Anything you can give is most definitely appreciated, and even the smallest amount makes a difference.
Sitback is taking our Robot Wars challenge very seriously but we are committed to making a difference by fundraising for a cause that's close to our hearts at the same time. Please support our efforts by making a secure online donation and by sharing a message of support.
Donations made through this platform are secure and will be remitted directly through to Charity Bounce.
Charity Bounce have a 100% public donation model where 100% of any funds donated will go stratiaght to the programs we choose to support. Private donors and government funding cover 100% of the management and administration expenses of Charity Bounce. The private donors invest into the long-term mission, ability to scale as an organisation, and the commitment to using 100% of public donations for direct program delivery.
Thanks for your support!
Charity Bounce Limited
Charity Bounce is a not for profit organisation that exists to inspire positive change to overcome disadvantage for individuals and communities, with a focus on Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islanders and culturally diverse communities, including newly arrived refugees.